„Wer, wenn nicht wir“
„Es ist wichtig und schön zu wissen, wohin das eigene Getreide
geliefert wird. Mit meiner Mithilfe kann ein regionales Bio-Produkt
entstehen. Die kurzen Lieferwege und die faire Entlohnung für das
Getreide sprechen klar für diese Gemeinschaft.“
Naturland-Bauer Hans Reichl ist schon länger Teil der Barnhouse
Liefergemeinschaft und gemeinsam konnten wir schon einige Projekte umsetzen. Immer wieder hält er uns auf dem Laufenden, was seine Arbeit
auf dem Schafdornerhof betrifft und baut für unser Krunchy Hafer und Dinkel an.
Daneben findet man auf dem 35 ha großen Hof auch noch Weizen und Roggen für die Draxmühle, sowie Erbsen, Ackerbohnen und
Luzerne-Kleegras, das an seine weiblichen Jungrinder verfüttert wird.
„Die Rinder werden aufgezogen für den Milchviehbetrieb meiner
Schwester, die die Milch an die Berchtesgadener Land Molkerei in Piding liefert. Auf eine artgerechte Jungrinderhaltung wird besonderer Wert gelegt, denn diese können sich im Stall frei bewegen und haben stets
Weidezugang. Auch die Bodenbewirtschaftung ist nachhaltig ausgerichtet,
es findet eine überwiegend pfluglose Bodenbearbeitung statt“, erklärt uns Hans, der den Hof gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Astrid Wöhrl führt.
The two 2000s switched to organic. But what drives the organic farmer?
“The creation and preservation of natural biodiversity makes I am particularly happy. This can only succeed with the help of a sustainable and gentle way of working, which prohibits the use of mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides".
For the past six years, he has relied on tillage without a plough surfaces and working as flat as possible to protect soil organisms. The cultivation and working methods of the farm also include intensive and permanent greening of the areas through the cultivation of catch crops.
In addition to farming, Hand Reichl runs the business together with his wife Astrid also runs the Bio-Hotel AmVieh-Theater on his farm. The hotel will ecologically farmed, which means only organic products are used processed and offered to the guests.
“Our sustainable attitude continues in the private sphere also continued, e.g. B. with your own electric car, which exclusively is charged with its own solar power. In the fall of 2018 we have together with Barnhouse and other nature enthusiasts a 100 m long Hedge planted right next to one that has existed for 7 years Agro-ecological flowering area with 4,000 m²," tells us Hans proudly, who has also been involved in the eco-model region Mühldorfer Land from the beginning.
"I really enjoy knowing where my grain goes!"
We are visiting Hans Reichl at the Schafdorner Hof near Schwindegg, about 20 minutes by car north-east of Barnhouse. embedded in a gentle hilly landscape. The story of the traditional four-sided farm run by Hans and his wife Astrid goes back several hundred years. It is 40 hectares in size, of which 30 hectares are arable land.
The Schafdorner Hof is idyllically situated in a spacious area sink and when we arrive, we are greeted curiously by the llamas Fridolin and Wendelin, the alpacas Ernie and Bertie and, of course, Oskar, the farm dog. Sheep, ponies and rabbits can also be found in the orchard and neighboring pastures.
Hans Reichl grows oats and spelled for Barnhouse,
but also wheat and rye for the Hofpfisterei and brewing barley for the good organic beer from the Unertl brewery in Mühldorf. Beans, clover grass and peas grow for the rearing of heifers (as the young female cattle are called in Bavaria), which will later give organic milk for the Berchtesgadener Land dairy as cows. The Schafdorner Hof is Naturland certified and was converted to “organic” in 2001.
The AmVieh Theater has been in the orchard for 10 years, a cabaret with a newly built organic hotel. Visitors are provided with 100% organic food and drink - lots of which come from our own farm. Since the hotel guests have known that the oats for the Barnhouse Granola come from the farm, they have tasted it Hotel breakfast even better.